Rudenko G, Bonten E, d'Azzo A, Hol WG
结构。1995 Nov 15;3(11):1249-59。
- PubMed ID
8591035 (PubMed视图]
- 摘要
背景:人类“保护蛋白”(HPP)在溶酶体中与β -半乳糖苷酶和神经氨酸酶形成多酶复合物,保护这两种糖苷酶不被降解。在人类中,缺乏HPP会导致溶酶体储存病半乳涎症。HPP前体形式的蛋白水解裂解包括2 kDa切除肽的去除,并导致羧肽酶活性。到目前为止,这种活动的生理意义尚不清楚。结果:广泛应用倍密度平均法,阐明了前驱体HPP的108 kDa二聚体的晶体结构。该单体由“核”结构域和“帽”结构域组成。与远亲小麦丝氨酸羧肽酶二聚体的比较表明,HPP二聚体中的两个亚基相互取向相差15度。此外,螺旋子域形成帽域的一部分是非常不同的。此外,HPP前体帽结构域包含一个包含49个残基的“成熟”子结构域,该子结构域填充了活性位点间隙。仅仅去除位于成熟子结构域的“切除”肽并不能使催化三联体溶剂获得。 CONCLUSIONS: The activation mechanism of HPP is unique among proteases with known structure. It differs from the serine proteases in that the active site is performed in the zymogen, but is blocked by a maturation subdomain. In contrast to the zinc metalloproteases and aspartic proteases, the chain segment physically rendering the catalytic triad solvent inaccessible in HPP is not cleaved off to form the active enzyme. The activation must be a multi-step process involving removal of the excision peptide and major conformational changes of the maturation subdomain, whereas the conformation of the enzymatic machinery is probably almost, or completely, unaffected.